Waltham will observe Veterans Day early, on Nov. 7, by honoring all those who currently serve in the armed forces and all those who previously served.
The day begins with a 9 a.m. breakfast at Kennedy Middle School, 655 Lexington St, and a 10 a.m. assembly.
At 10:30 a.m., all veteran groups will meet at the Elm Street Parking Lot behind City Hall and march in formation to the Circle of Remembrance located on Waltham Common for the 19th annual brick dedication ceremony held by the City of Waltham Veterans’ Services and The Waltham Allied Veterans’ Council. The Circle of Remembrance is dedicated to all veterans and contains walkways made of commemorative bricks.
Residents can request a brick to honor a veteran by filling out an application. The Waltham Office of Veterans’ Services provides assistance to veterans in assessing benefits and identifying federal, state and local programs. Visit its website for details and contact information.