Waltham Times Contributing Writer

Walkway at Regis College. Photo from Wikimedia Commons.

Waltham High last week announced a partnership between its health assisting program and the nursing program at Regis College.

The partnership will create a pathway for Waltham High students enrolled in the health assisting program to attend Regis, a private university in neighboring Weston. The partnership will offer health assisting program students in their junior year early admission into Regis’ nursing program and a minimum yearly scholarship of $25,000.

Regis also will share data on the academic performance of Waltham High health assisting program graduates who attend the university’s nursing program. Regis will give Waltham the students’ grade point averages, graduation rates, retention rates and information on their progress in their major compared to other nursing students.

Juliette Fornier, Waltham High’s health assisting instructor, said such data will help determine whether and how well the health assisting program is preparing students for post-grad opportunities.

Alex Patturelli, Regis’ director of undergraduate admission, said the nursing pathway program with Waltham High is the first of its kind.

In order to be accepted, students must meet a variety of academic requirements. More information on the program can be found here.

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