Meet Luvie, a resilient 3 year old, whose journey has been one of courage and determination. Found outside by a trapper, Luvie was brought to The Cat Connection in dire need of care. He was terrified and in pain due to severe dental issues.

Luvie has come a long way thanks to his foster caregiver. After receiving extensive dental treatment, he is now pain-free and thriving in a nurturing foster home. He reveals more of his gentle personality each day and has built a strong bond with his foster family.

Luvie is happy, healthy and eager for his forever home. He has tested positive for feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV), but his condition doesn’t define him. Cats with FIV often live long, full and healthy lives.

Would you be the one to provide him with the love and patience he deserves? Welcome Luvie into your family, and watch him blossom into your forever companion. If you are interested in adopting, please fill out our online adoption application here.

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