Waltham Times Contributing Writer

The site of the former Construction Site toy store. Photo: Google Maps.

A proposed five-story hotel on Moody Street, where the ruins of the old Construction Site toy store stand, passed another hurdle on its way to development.

The project recently went before Waltham’s Conservation Commission, which is charged with ensuring Waltham upholds the Wetlands Protection Act and the Department of Environmental Protection stormwater standards.

Conservation Commission member Philip Moser said at the board’s Dec. 19 meeting that the new building should have no impact on the nearby Charles River, assuming all of the Conservation Commission’s conditions are met. 

The commission gave the developers a list of site-specific conditions that must be met in order to attain and maintain its stamp of approval. That list includes mandates to protect trees near the river and to undergo monthly inspections during construction. The mandates are meant to protect the river and nature around it.

Commission members also voiced support for the proposed development of the hotel as long as all conditions are met and maintained. 

Paul Finger, who represented the developers at the meeting, said he hopes to have the project go before the City Council for review in two to three months. He said the developers don’t know yet when they might break ground on the project but are excited to do so.

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