Waltham Times Contributing Writer

Feb. 10 is the deadline for applications to the Community Development Block Grant progam.

Attendance has risen at public meetings discussing the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG), as the application allowing nonprofits to receive funding was released last Thursday.

According to Frank Nakashian, principal planner in the city’s Planning Department, six people attended last Thursday’s Zoom meeting and another six attendees were at the in-person session later that day.

This is an increase from the prior week’s meetings, where only six people attended total.

Last week’s meetings included representatives of The Waltham Fields Community Farm, Opportunities for Inclusion and Chaplains on the Way.

These meetings promote the possible uses of the block grants, with Nakashian giving an informational presentation on the application process outlining who qualifies and what is needed of each applicant to receive money from the grant.

Who qualifies?

Private nonprofits, government agencies and businesses in Waltham are all eligible for CDBG funds from the city. 

The funding must go toward programs or improvements that benefit Waltham residents and families designated low to moderate-income (LMI) by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Planning (HUD). 

Private businesses can only use the funds for exterior improvements.

HUD defines LMI as up to 80% of the average median income of the area; specific information on which income levels qualify can be found here.

Application requirements

In addition to providing information about the project’s team leaders and funding requirements, a detailed explanation of the activities’ role in assisting LMI residents must be given on applications.

Other information beyond the application is required, too.

Nonprofits are required to submit their most recent audit as well as documentation of their tax-exemption status.

Interested parties must include a report detailing the cost of each CDBG-funded activity.

Applicants must list partnerships with outside organizations, such as other nonprofits, government agencies or schools, that may assist in the project.

Additionally, any other sources of funding for each CDBG-funded activity must be relayed to the Planning Department during the application process.

Finally, nonprofits must have their board of directors sign off on the funding, officially signifying the board’s support.

The Planning Department will hold seminars assisting organizations with the application process on Zoom at noon on Jan. 23 and 3 p.m. on Feb. 4.

Applications must be completed by Feb. 10.

Review Process

The Planning Department starts reviewing applications the following day. Department officials will take into account each project’s cost, perceived benefit for LMI residents, and each applicant’s track record and experience with assisting LMI residents.

Mayor Jeannette McCarthy and the City Council plan to review and discuss each application during a public meeting in March before deciding who receives funding from the grant.

The review process is expected to last through much of March, with funding decisions expected to be released during a public meeting on March 26.

An increase in interest

With the application’s release, some members of nonprofits have started to ask questions.

“Is that a publicly available document?” asked Trish Umbrell, the associate director of the Waltham Fields Community Farm, referring to the application.

Nakashian replied that the application and guidelines are publicly available on the Planning Department’s CDBG webpage.

With more questions comes an increase in transparency from the local government: Nakashian said all questions and answers from these meetings will be published in a publicly available document on Feb. 5.

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