As The Waltham Times project grows, so do opportunities for community outreach and involvement.
A recent outreach event of note was our presence at the Waltham Farmers’ Market on June 22, where members of the nonprofit Waltham News Alliance team held an informational table.
At the market we talked with locals, sharing information about the Waltham News Alliance’s plans and values, such as our commitment to objective and nonpartisan coverage of the city. We shared recent accomplishments, including the creation of The Waltham Times logos and approval of our 501(c)3 nonprofit status. And we highlighted our goals for the future, discussing our timeline for building a professionally staffed newsroom and publishing launch dates.
Our Farmers’ Market event also gave us a chance to hear from other Watch City residents about what they want from a local news source. They shared plenty of ideas and insights on the topic, saying that they, too, thought there was a big need for a reliable source for news and features about Waltham happenings.
We will be at the Farmers’ Market again today, July 6. We’re looking forward to meeting more residents and hearing their perspectives on news coverage. So please stop by, say hello and take our community survey. Or feel free to complete our survey online here.
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