Election day is Tuesday, Nov. 5.

Early voting started Oct. 19.

Waltham citizens will vote for the next president of the United States, senators and representatives for the U.S. Congress and the state Legislature, other elected offices and five ballot questions. They are all listed on these sample ballots. Note that the ballot for the 10th Middlesex District has an additional ballot question (#6).

The deadline to register to vote is Oct. 26. Check your voting status on the Secretary of State’s website.

Registration deadlines

Mail and absentee deadlines

Voting deadlines and locations

Key local race: 9th Middlesex District Representative

The recent candidates forum gave voters a chance to hear from the three candidates vying to represent the 9th Middlesex District, which represents most of Waltham. They are

Key local race: 10th Middlesex District Representative

The this district includes parts of Newton and Watertown as well as Waltham Ward 1 Precinct 2A, Ward 3 Precinct 2A, Ward 4 Precincts 1A, 2, Ward 5 Precincts 1, 2A, Ward 6 Precinct 2, Ward 8 Precinct 2 and Ward 9. The candidate is 

Statewide ballot questions

Voters across the state also have the opportunity to vote on five ballot questions:

Tufts University’s Center for State Policy Analysis conducts nonpartisan research on all ballot questions. Here is its Voters’ Guide to 2024 Massachusetts Ballot Questions.

Ballot question 6 for 10th Middlesex District

Voters in the 10th Middlesex District also have the opportunity to vote on the following nonbinding ballot initiative: 

“Shall the Representative from this District be instructed to vote for legislation to create a single-payer system of universal health care, that would provide all Massachusetts residents with comprehensive health care coverage including the freedom to choose doctors and other health care professionals, facilities, and services and that would eliminate the role of insurance companies in healthcare by creating a publicly administered insurance trust fund?”

Information on this ballot initiative is provided by MassCare.